Lab News

Daniel Guest, doctoral student in the Auditory Perception and Cognition Laboratory at the University of Minnesota, receives a 2-year NIH F31 award to study the processing of complex sounds at high frequencies.  

Erin O’Neill, PhD candidate in the Department of Psychology and member of the Auditory Perception and Cognition (APC) Lab, received a mentored poster award from the American Auditory Society(AAS). O'Neill will present her research at the Annual…

Click to enlarge The Auditory Perception and Cognition (APC) Lab was well represented at the recent Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting held in San Jose, CA from January 25 to 29, 2020. The ARO is the world's largest…

Emily Allen, PhD, postdoctoral associate in the Auditory Perception and Cognition (APC) Lab presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Neuroscience 2019 conference. Her poster was titled, "The Natural Scenes Dataset:…

On October 18-19, 2019, Andrew Oxenham, PhD, director of the Auditory Perception and Cognition Laboratory and Erin O'Neill, graduate student in the lab, attended the CI (Cochlear Implant) Crash Conference, in Madison, Wisconsin. Erin O'Neill Erin…

On Tuesday, September 17, the APC lab meeting was one of its kind: Lab members surprised Andrew Oxenham, professor and director of the Auditory Perception and Cognition Lab with wishes for his 50th birthday and a presentation about "special Oxenham…

 Undergraduate research assistant, Patricia Leach, receives a Daniel L. McFadden and Beverlee T. Simboli Lab Research Award. Congratulations Patricia! 

Mia Hoffman and Lucia Ray join the lab for a 10-week resident summer program as part of the University of Minnesota's Neuroimaging Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. REU is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

 Kelly Whiteford successfully defends her PhD thesis and begins her post-doc in the APC lab. Congratulations Kelly!

The Auditory Perception and Cognition Lab (APC Lab) under the directorship of Andrew Oxenham, PhD, receives a 5-year renewal of the NIH grant to study context effects and other factors affecting performance in cochlear-implant users and hearing-…

News archive (2007-2018)